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  • Guest lecture: Boris Hegenbart

    Time & place: mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
    Apr 16, 12:15
    Lecture Hall
    Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
    1030 Vienna

    Admission free

    Boris Hegenbart was Artist in Residence at the MuseumsQuartier Wien in February 2024.
    In the small living studio filled with the original loudspeakers of the TONSPUR_passage directly under the roof of the MuseumsQuartier, he developed a site-specific work for the TONSPUR_passage | Micro Museum for Sound: ROTAPHONIE.

    In a lecture at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Boris Hegenbart will report on this creative process and explain various aspects of the compositional design and specific material production.

  • T_D #7 • Peter Weibel • Der elektrische Krieg

    TONSPUR_display #7
    in memoriam
    Peter Weibel
    * 5.3.1944 † 1.3.2023
    Der elektrische Krieg, 1983
    Opening • Friday • 1 März 2024 19:00
    Introduction: Romana Schuler
    word donations: Sabine Kienzer • David Moss • Ruth Schnell • Gerhard Rühm

  • T_D #6: CHARLEMAGNE PALESTINE • coneyy islandd in viennaa

    TONSPUR_display #6
    coneyy islandd in viennaa
    27 Nov 2023–25 Feb 2024
    daily 10 am–8 pm
    TONSPUR_display | Showroom TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien
    MuseumsQuartier Wien Museumsplatz 1 • 1070 Vienna
    Opening • Sun Nov 26, 2023 • 17:00
    Introduction Jozef Cseres


    TONSPUR_display #5
    Ursula Neugebauer • Artothek Wien, 2001 • Lightbox
    Timm Ulrichs • ohne Resonanz, 1983/89 • Echo chamber of a guitar cast in concrete, in wooden crate with branded title
    Preview Sunday 27 August 2023 17:00
    In the presence of the artists
    With an introduction by Sabine Kienzer
    TONSUR_display | Indoor Showroom

  • KRISTINA WARREN • Lavender Lauds @ Radiophrenia

    Lavender Lauds was selected for presentation in Radiophrenia, a Glasgow-based annual radio festival of experimental music. It’s possible to listen online through Radiophrenia’s online player. 

  • TONSPUR live_open_air — In Solidarity with Ukraine

    Frank Hautzinger feat. dieb13 _LIVE  •  
    Robin Rimbaud – Scanner _TAPE RECORDING  •  
    Markus Mayer _TAPE READING
    MQ Wien  •  MQ Summerstage
    26 Aug 2023  •  6-8 pm



    Film music from “Casablanca” to “The World’s End” from “King Kong” to …
    “To be a composer alive today is not to be a composer of your time, but merely to be part of one tiny sect, one small cult, at a time when the music of your time is in fact the music of all time. (…) In a time when everything is absolutely possible, composing becomes pure hell,” comes from the legendary composer and performer Alvin Curran in Eric Baudelaire’s When There Is No More Music To Write and Other Roman Stories, which screened at last year’s festival.

  • ON AIR: Tonspur mit Georg Weckwerth – 19 May 23

    With the kind support and sponsorship of the city of Wien Kultur/ MA7.

  • TONSPUR_workshop: Marta Beauchamp – Schritttempo

    A workshop on walking as a method to investigate rhythms To sharpen the participants’ sensitivity to detect rhythms in themselves and in their environment, the workshop focusses on exploring walking as a practice to explore rhythm and respond to rhythm with the body as an instrument. Marta Beauchamp will be conducting the workshop with two…

  • Gareth Davis & Scanner

    Concert Gareth Davis & Scanner play live at Volkstheater “Rote Bar” on May 5 – 22:30 Scanner Scanner (British artist Robin Rimbaud) traverses the experimental terrain between sound and space connecting a bewilderingly diverse array of genres. Since 1991 he has been intensely active in sonic art, producing concerts, installations and recordings. He scored the…


    Artist Talk – Digitale Kunst: Clara Oppel Public Lecture – DIGITALE KUNST/ Ruth Schnell Thursday, 9 March 2023 14:00 – 15:30 Venue: Expositur PSK, Georg-Coch-Platz 2/1st floor, 1010 Vienna CLARA OPPEL (sound artist, Graz) BREATHING SPACE Clara Oppel will talk about her artistic work and working methods at the interfaces of space, sound, installation and…

  • In Memoriam

    PETER WEIBEL (1944–2023) TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien mourns the passing of one of its artists and vociferous supporters, Peter Weibel, who died on 1 March 2023 in Karlsruhe. To commemorate the life of Peter Weibel, his 2011 work for TONSPUR für einen öffentlichen raum is being reinstalled for one day, in the TONSPUR_passage | Micro Museum…

  • T_D #4: Via Lewandowsky

    TONSPUR_display #4
    Via Lewandowsky
    Don’t Cry
    TONSPUR_display | Showroom TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien

  • T_D #3: Rebecca Chesney & Lubaina Himid

    TONSPUR_display #3
    Rebecca Chesney & Lubaina Himid
    Wee-weep • Great Favourites at Court
    28 Nov 2022—25 Feb 2023
    TONSPUR_display showrooms Q21/MQ Wien
    MQ Wien • Museumsplatz 1 • 1070 Vienna

  • T_d #2: Lee Ranaldo/Leah Singer

    TONSPUR_display #2
    Lee Ranaldo/Leah Singer
    Q21 showrooms
    MQ Wien
    29 Aug-26 Nov 2022

  • Benoît Maubrey | STREAMERS – a COVID Sculpture

    An interactive Speaker Sculpture in the shape of a Pestsäule Commissioned by TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien Karlsruhe as UNESCO City of Media Arts presents impressive installations in public spaces at the plenary assembly of the World Council of Churches in Karlsruhe.From August 18 to September 18 2022, the City of Karlsruhe’s Department of Cultural Affairs of…


    TONSPUR_display #1
    Uwe Bressnik
    IMAGINE – The Sound of Silence
    Kunst- und Katalogpräsentation
    Opening Fr May 6, 5pm
    Q21 showrooms
    MQ Wien
    7 May–27 Aug 2022

  • An alley for sound

    Listen to it on https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/tonspur-galerie-dlf-kultur-c94c69ac-100.html For almost 20 years, the TONSPUR Kunstverein in Vienna’s Museumsquartier has been presenting multi-channel compositions. “What the White Cube is to visual art,” says curator Georg Weckwerth, “what the urban, public space is to sound art – this cross-border genre at the intersection of visual art, media art and music.”

  • TONSPUR_workshop with Julian Siffert

    Secret Songs Producer TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien Age 8 to 12 years (max. 8 participants) Day / Time / Duration Sat, 7.5 / 11 am to 4 pm / 5 hours (incl. 45 min break) Location Room D / Q21/MQ What does the world sound like? What sounds and noises surround us every day at home,…

  • Literary interventions with Markus Meyer

    Markus Meyer, born 1971 in Cloppenburg, is a German actor and ensemble member of the Vienna Burgtheater.For the opening of “STREAMERS – a COVID Sculpture” on Jan. 28, 2022, Markus Meyer read from a classic of world literature with reference to the current corona pandemic.Albert Camus “The PlagueAs a sign of solidarity for the people…

  • Radio-Choreography

    Episode 4. For the Time Being, Vienna, Saturday, April 2nd 2022, 6-7 pm Radio-Choreography is a radiophonic archive of dance practices created by female choreographers during times of migration and border crossing. The project includes a series of four episodes broadcasted live from dance archives and libraries in Berlin, Cologne, Tel Aviv and Vienna. The…

  • immerse! an online event: celebration of vernal equinox and the work of Michael Gerzon

    When: Sunday, March 20th, 4:00—5:00 pm CET — equinox moment 4:33 pm CET (see www.worldclock.com for your timezone) Featuring: Brian Katz, Anna Green, Pat Thomas, Phil Minton, Patty Seaton, Gilad Keren, Monica Bolles, Dan Neafus, Ian McLennan, William David Fastenow, Chris Plunkett, and Timo Bitner With Special Thanks to:IMERSA, International Planetarium Society, Audio Engineering Society Produced by:MorrowSound & Park Boulevard Productions with TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien, Vienna, Austria. Mark your…

  • TONSPUR_festival

    STREAMERS – a COVID Sculpture LIVE Music performances including live streams with Benoît Maubrey’s interactive Speaker Sculpture STREAMERS in the shape of a Pestsäule.each from 17h Live Video Streams streamers-a-covid-sculpture.tonspur.at/tonspur_festival/ Line Up MAI 01, 2022 12 h Start Set up (TONSPUR) 13–14 h Sound check Live Sets (in order of performance) 14–15 h Salon skug – Warm…


    The album “Siteworks” documents the sound installations that the Augsburg sound artist Gerald Fiebig realised as solo works from 2009 to 2018. It will be released today, 21 March 2021, as a free download album on the Augsburg label attenuation circuit and in parallel on Fiebig’s own label gebrauchtemusik. The sound installations are documented on…