Category / TONSPUR_display / TONSPUR_Journal_en / TONSPUR_lecture
Guest lecture • Boris Hegenbart
Time & place: mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Apr 16, 12:15
Lecture Hall
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 ViennaAdmission free
Boris Hegenbart was Artist in Residence at the MuseumsQuartier Wien in February 2024.
In the small living studio filled with the original loudspeakers of the TONSPUR_passage directly under the roof of the MuseumsQuartier, he developed a site-specific work for the TONSPUR_passage | Micro Museum for Sound: ROTAPHONIE.In a lecture at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Boris Hegenbart will report on this creative process and explain various aspects of the compositional design and specific material production.
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