Robin Rimbaud — Scanner

“He is very experimental because he is searching in a realm of sound which is not usually used for music…he has a good sense of atmosphere.”
Karlheinz Stockhausen – BBC Radio 3

Robin Rimbaud, alias Scanner (1964, London, UK) is a composer whose work traverses the experimental terrain between sound, space and image. Since 1991 he has been intensely active in sonic art, producing concerts, installations and recordings, the albums Mass Observation (1994), Delivery (1997), and The Garden is Full of Metal (1998) hailed by critics as innovative and inspirational works of contemporary electronic music.

His work connects the points between a bewilderingly diverse array of genres – a partial list would include sound design, film scores, computer music, digital avant-garde, contemporary composition, large-scale multimedia performances, product design, architecture, fashion design, rock music and jazz.