Julius Deutschbauer


The material of this soundtrack consists of nothing but swear words in nine languages: collected, invented, made up and put on tape by thirteen native speakers. The collections of swear words blare out of eight loudspeakers during the European Football Championship in Arabic, German, English, Flemish, French, Croatian, Austrian, Polish and Spanish.

“Listen to the cheers and the curses at the soccer fields,” recommends Peter Handke. In: “Publikumsbeschimpfung und andere Sprechstücke”. Edition Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1966.

“There is invective because it makes the joke possible.”
Sigmund Freud
In: “The Joke and its Relationship to the Unconscious.” Franz Deuticke, Leipzig/Vienna 1905.

Julius Deutschbauer, born 1961 in Klagenfurt, Austria, lives and works in Vienna.

Opening: Thu 09.06.2016, 17hh
Introductory words:
Georg Weckwerth [Artistic Director TONSPUR Kunstverein Vienna]
Dr. Arno Rußegger [Literature and Film Studies] – read