Andres Bosshard


voices of wedding sound graffiti
Hey! You!
Echo chamber for live voices from Wedding. Sound choreography of movement and encounter, of the random here and now and the memory of what I have just decided to wish for the future.
As part of a workshop at the Ernst-Schering-Oberschule, live recordings of actions and voices on various streets and squares in Wedding were made together with students. These formed the acoustic background for several turbulent sound actions of the students in the schoolyard. Spatial echoes, close-ups of the voices and fragments of the soundtracks of the workshop now span a multi-channel sound space that cyclically mixes into the events of the Schlossplatz.
Andres Bosshard, October 2010

Andres Bosshard, born 1955 in Zurich, Switzerland, lives and works in Zurich.

Since July 2009, TONSPUR für einen öffentlichen raum has been presenting multi-channel sound works by international artists on the Schloßplatz in Berlin/Mitte. The result is a new and innovative sound gallery in public space.
With the project VOICES OF WEDDING TONSPUR is engaged for the first time in the field of cultural education. With the help of the medium of sound, students of the Ernst-Schering-Oberschule in Wedding give their neighborhood a voice – on the Schloßplatz, the planned future forum of world culture. On the one hand, the soundscape of the Weddinger Kiez, which is connected to the everyday life of the students, serves them as sonic material. On the other hand, sounds and noises that the students produce themselves, for example with their voices or with percussion instruments.
TONSPUR invited the renowned sound artist and educator Andres Bosshard to Berlin to lead the workshop, which lasted several days. Bosshard took a group of 16 students from the Ernst-Schering-Oberschule on sound walks in their Weddinger neighborhood and trained them in improvisational use of their voices and simple instruments. In the process, the participants learned to record environmental sounds and sounds they had created themselves and then to creatively edit them on the computer. This enabled the students to experience the acoustic as well as cultural diversity of their own neighborhood through the ear in a new way and to understand themselves as part of the social environment through their own voice and musical expression.
The result of the workshop will be presented to the public over a period of two weeks on the Schloßplatz as a multi-channel sound collage. VOICES OF WEDDING thus provides a first contribution to a socio-cultural use of the so-called Humboldt Forum, which is to be built in the current “transitional use of the Schloßareal”, notwithstanding the current postponement of the reconstruction of the Berlin City Palace.
Georg Weckwerth/Florian Wachinger, October 2010

Signed by the students and the workshop team – open

TONSPUR workshop

  • Andres Bosshard [CH]
  • + SchülerInnen der Ernst-Schering-Oberschule Berlin/Wedding
  • Voices of Wedding, 2010*
  • TONSPUR_workshop + 8-Kanal-Klangkomposition
  • Länge 60.00 min.
  • Leitung/Klangregie: Andres Bosshard
  • TeilnehmerInnen: Asina, Damian, Dilara, Isabell-Sophie, Hind, Kilian, Madlin, Melda, Mehmet, Saskia, Semihe, Siobhan, Steven, Tarek
  • Tontechnik: Florian Kühnle/Peter Szely
  • Wissenschaftliche Begleitung/Blog-Redaktion: Hannah Schwegler
  • Foto/Video/Web-Dokumentation: Frank Paul
  • Pädagogische Beratung: Renate Wachinger
  • PR/networking: Annette Barner
  • Konzept/Organisation: Florian Wachinger
  • Produktion: TONSPUR für einen öffentlichen raum
  • Besonderer Dank: Thomas Drittler/Michael Metzner [Musiklehrer an der
  • Ernst-Schering-Oberschule]
  • *gefördert aus Mitteln des Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung /
  • Berliner Kulturprojekte Gmbh
  • 09.10.10–06.11.10
  • Schloßplatz Berlin/Mitte
  • Banklinie zwischen Berliner Dom und Hochschule für
  • Musik Hanns Eisler [nahe der Humboldt-Box]
  • Täglich 08–22h
  • Eröffnung: Fr 08.10.10, 11.30h
  • Einleitende Worte:
  • Heinz-Werner Nitsche [Stellvertretender Schulleiter der Ernst-Schering-Oberschule Berlin/Wedding]
  • Günter Piening [Beauftragter des Berliner Senats für Integration und Migration]
  • Georg Weckwerth [Künstlerischer Leiter TONSPUR]
  • Andres Bosshard [Klangkünstler/Workshopleiter]
  • Workshop-TeilnehmerInnen