Achim Freyer

7 x 7 = 7 farbebekennen, 2020 • TONSPUR 87

Achim Freyer, born in Berlin in 1934, lives and works in Berlin and in Tatti Grosseto, Toscana, Italy.


  • Achim Freyer [DE]
  • 7 x 7 = 7 farbebekennen, 2020
  • 8-channel sound work, 7-part series of images
  • Duration endless
  • Concept, voice, paintings, text: Achim Freyer
  • Sound recording and sound editing: Michael Huemer
  • Production: TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien for the series
  • TONSPUR für einen öffentlichen raum
  • Special thanks: Theater in der Josefstadt
  • 01.10.20–19.11.20
  • TONSPUR_passage / Q21 (MQ Wien)
  • Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
  • Daily 10am to 8pm
  • Opening: Wed 30.09.2020, 15h
  • Opening words:
  • Georg Weckwerth [artistic director TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien]