Rebecca Chesney/Lubaina Himid

Rebecca Chesney/Lubaina Himid [UK] The Storm, 2021 • TONSPUR 89

The Storm

And with the storm came a warning
But you have not been listening
I am the thunder
You will hear me

Combining field recordings and spoken word, artists Rebecca Chesney and Lubaina Himid have created a sound piece to conjure up a message of urgency. But, whose words are being spoken? 
And have you been listening?

Rebecca Chesney/Lubaina Himid

Rebecca Chesney, born in Lancaster, United Kingdom in 1968, lives and works in Preston, United Kingdom.
Lubaina Himid, born in Zansibar, Tansania in 1954, lives and works in Preston, United Kingdom.

Opening: Sun 19.09.2021, 17h
Opening words:
Georg Weckwerth [artistic director TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien]
Lauren Craig [artist and curator] – read


  • Rebecca Chesney/Lubaina Himid [UK]
  • The Storm, 2021
  • 8 channel soundwork, 7-part series of images
  • Duration 16:00 min
  • Production: TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien
  • 20.09.21–11.11.21
  • TONSPUR_passage – Micro Museum for Sound
  • MQ Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
  • Daily 10–20h