Finnbogi Pétursson

Border 2017, 2017 • TONSPUR 73

Border 2017, 2017

A border between different cultural worlds, mornings and nights, clouds, palms and Cubans, thoughts, lakes and lovers, brains and vacuum, elbows, fighting, refugees, U.S. and A, untold stories, countries, plants and cells, Syrians, bricks and ignorance, colours, humble rhythms, the tide, religions, barbed wire and freedom, gates, boats, hamburgers, mental health and madness, numbers, fruit, cords and diamonds, dreams, funerals, dealers and football, exhalation, equality, truth, insurance, life or death, volcanoes, humour, money, weeds, black and white, bricks, pigs, Muslims and Christians, kisses, torture, transsexuals and politicians, animals, fights, walls, zombies, dictators and the rest of the world.

Finnbogi Pétursson, born in Reykjavík, Iceland in 1959, lives and works in Reykjavík. 


  • Finnbogi Pétursson [ISL]*
  • Border 2017, 2017
  • 8-channel soundwork, 7-part series of images
  • Duration endless
  • Recordings, composition, photographs: Finnbogi Pétursson
  • Production: TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien for the series
  • TONSPUR für einen öffentlichen raum
  • *64. TONSPUR-Artist-in-Residence
  • 20.02.17–27.05.17
  • TONSPUR_passage / Q21/MQ Wien
  • Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
  • Daily 10am to 8pm
  • Opening: Su 19.02.2017, 5pm
  • Opening words:
  • Georg Weckwerth [artistic director TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien]
  • in conversation with Finnbogi Pétursson.