Franciszek Araszkievicz

Echoes of Mind, 2018 • TONSPUR 78


What are the patterns of the human mind? What could they sound like?
“Echoes of Mind” is an eight-channel sound installation controlled by the hidden rhythms of a human brain. Neural activity in the central nervous system of the composer has been recorded and transformed into sound phenomena. These little plugs inside the brain, called brainwaves, are scanned on eight frequency levels, each responsible for a particular mental state, and assigned to the eight channels of the sound installation.
Eight frequency levels of neural activity have been used in “Echoes of Mind”: alpha, beta, gamma, delta and theta, the first three splitting into their lower and higher registers. In biofeedback theory, alpha waves reflect a relaxed state and the REM phase of sleep; beta waves are associated with active thinking and concentration; gamma waves relate to conscious attention; theta waves increase in meditative states, while delta waves occur during deep sleep. The sound structures governed by each type of wave are assigned to the marked channel. “Brainwave Scores”, a series of posters created together with visual artist Małgorzata Petelenz are based on the actual shapes of brainwaves used, as well as sonographs of the structures constituting the sound layer.
A neural ensemble beyond conscious and subconscious, beyond intellectual and emotional, beyond meditative and aware cognitive states…

Franciszek Araszkiewicz, born in Krakow, Poland in 1986, lives and works in Krakow. 68. TONSPUR-Artist-in-Residence at Q21 (MuseumsQuartier Wien).


  • Franciszek Araszkievicz [PL]*
  • Echoes of Mind, 2018
  • 8-channel sound installation, 7-part series of images
  • Duration 18:30 min
  • Concept, brainwave recordings, composition: Franciszek Araszkievicz
  • Design Brainwave Scores: Małgorzata Petelenz & Franciszek Araszkiewicz
  • Production: TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien for the series
  • TONSPUR für einen öffentlichen raum
  • Special thanks to Anna Petelenz, Aleksandra Andrejewna, AP KunstArt Fund,
  • Anna Moser & Kornelia Wróbel (Polnisches Institut Wien)
  • *68. TONSPUR-Artist-in-Residence at Q21/MQ
  • 27.08.18–24.11.18
  • TONSPUR_passage / Q21/MQ Vienna
  • Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
  • Daily 10am to 8pm
  • Opening: Sun 26.08.2018, 5pm
  • Opening words:
  • Georg Weckwerth [artistic director TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien]
  • Aleksandra Andrejewna [director Ateliertheater Wien]