Radio-Choreography: Passaging explores the possibilities of acoustic translation of choreographic practice into multichannel electronics. It transforms the TONSPUR_passage into an invisible dance stage, resonating with sounds of dissident bodies and unheard voices.

This installation is a result of an extensive research process which included dialogue between choreographers and sound artists, archival research, as well as development of experimental recording and compositional practices. Through different modes of collaboration, we developed methods of transforming dance into sound, exploring the act of composing as choreographing and vice versa. The installation includes four parts, showcasing sonic adaptations of dance practices that were created by female choreographers during times of migration and resistance. These include a dance action performed in Beirut in the context of the Lebanese revolution in 2019, dance texts written in Berlin during the Nazi regime, an emancipatory choreography of hair performed in Teheran 2021, and a satirical dance performed in Athens 1913 as part of a revue theatre piece commenting on the First Balkan War.

Following former presentations of sonic choreographies on the radio, in dance contexts and concert halls, this special display of the project explores the transitory public space of the TONSPUR_passage. In this zone of constant flux, we attune to the emergence of new choreographies – between the movement of the passers-by and the sounds of dancing bodies, between different places and temporalities, between imagining and listening, remaining and moving on.

We invite you to suspend the rushing choreography of everyday, and linger. Recalibrate your senses, and listen to dance. Let unseen gestures of resistance vibrate through your body and carry them into the future.


  • Radio-Choreography: Passaging • 8-channel sound work, 7-part series of A1 images • duration • concept and artistic direction • compositions Azadeh Nilchiani, Marta Gentilucci, Netta Weiser • choreographic collaboration Dominique Tegho, Shahrzad Nazarpour • voice actress Claudia Basrawi • soprano Tehila Nini Goldstein • piano Michaela Catranis • dramaturgy Annett Hardegen • texts Hanna Berger • compositional assistance Giovanni Verga, Andrei Cucu • recordings Eric Spitzer-Marlyn, Merijn Royaards • archival research Miriam Althammer, Anna Leon (Tanzquartier Wien) • supported by Studio for Electroacoustic Music at the Academy of Arts, Berlin • A1 images Netta Weiser • installation set up Peter Szely • production TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien • artistic director Georg Weckwerth • in cooperation with Tanzquartier Wien • special thanks Tanzquartier Wien & Radio Orange
  • 26 May—26 Aug 2023
  • TONSPUR_passage | Micro Museum for Sound
  • MQ Wien • Museumsplatz 1 • 1070 Vienna
  • daily 10:00—20:00
  • Preview in the presence of Netta Weiser
  • Thu 25 May 17:00
  • With an introduction by Anna Leon, Tanzquartier Wien
  • TONSPUR C radio broadcasts
  • May 28th at 5 pm
  • June 2nd at 9 pm
  • Radio ORANGE 94.0
  • © Art by Ella Ponizovsky Bergelson