Class Susan Philipsz

Day In Day Out, 2024 • TONSPUR_collaboration

Day In Day Out

Panorama Frank Paul

Day In Day Out ist eine Reflexion über das Vergehen von Zeit, die speziell für die TONSPUR_passage in Wien entwickelt wurde.

Die Tage der Woche sind Ausgangspunkt und strukturierendes Element für das Projekt. Sie sind ein Maß für die Zeit und ihr Vergehen. Wir zählen die Tage, bis wir uns wiedersehen. Wir lesen die Tageszeitung. Jeder Tag ist anders, morgen ist ein neuer Tag. Die Bedeutungen und Etymologien der Wochentage leiten sich von den Namen der klassischen Planeten ab, die ihrerseits nach antiken Gottheiten benannt sind. Wir alle verbinden auch persönlichere Assoziationen mit jedem einzelnen Tag. Inspiriert von diesen vielfältigen Bedeutungen und Assoziationen haben die Studierenden eigene Audioarbeiten entwickelt und so konzipiert, dass sie im einzigartigen Kontext der TONSPUR_passage inmitten des Museumsquartiers beiläufig erlebt werden können.

Die Teilnehmenden sind Studierende der Klasse ‚Art in Context‘ der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden und eine ehemalige Studentin des Royal Institute of Art Stockholm.

Joline Uvman (*1992, SE), Day In Day Out, 05:00 min
Day in Day out is a multi channel sound work designed to be heard in a thoroughfare. Through the counting echoed voice the work makes physical the feeling of time passing. The work both emphasizes and gets emphasized by the high number of pedestrians passing by and creates a moving yet static figuration underlining the routines of everyday life.

Alisa Omelianceva (*1997, RU), I have no dreams on Monday
(00:06 Monday; 02:28 Tuesday; 05:00 Wednesday; 04:36 Thursday; 04:16 Friday; 04:07 Saturday; 04:39 Sunday)
Every day a recording of a dream is played — except on Monday, when none are recalled.

Haffsa Amina Codraro (*1990, IT), Shift,
(01:05 Monday; 00:55 Tuesday; 00:53 Wednesday; 01:14 Thursday; 00:53 Friday; 00:46 Saturday)
(with Hayat Tifaoui, Bernd Rottländer, Samir Sayed Abdellatef, Giacomo Celotto, Sandro Prodanovic)
In the 19th and 20th centuries, factory whistles were used every day of the week to mark the beginning and end of shifts. Each day, workers would rely on the whistle to know when to start or finish work.
However, on Sunday, the silence was a reminder of the weekly rhythm, with workers appreciating the one day when the whistle remained quiet, signaling rest.

Linh Phan (*2003, FR), Quatre euros et trente centimes, 03:25 min
A description of a mundane french school lunch and atmosphere. Served in middle school on a lunchbreak.

Sandro Prodanovic (*1997, US), 1420, 03:30 min
The typical individual will experience approximately 4,000 Mondays over the course of their lifetime. Despite the constancy of Monday in our weekly cycle, each Monday is experienced differently in terms of time or emotional valence. In my case, I have experienced 1,420 Mondays.

Oleh Dmytruk (1989, UA) and Iryna Fingerova (1993, UA), They Call It Stormy _ Odesa Days, 09:20 min
The work features fragments of text by Iryna Fingerova, where the writer captures her daily experience during a week-long stay in her hometown amidst the full-scale Russian aggression. They interact in various ways with a line from T-Bone Walker’s blues classic.
Voice: Anastasiia Vetriak


Lina Backer (*2000, DE), www, 03:28 min
Why do I cry when I cut onions, but not when I watch the news?
Tuesday as the day of Mars, the god of war, is a weekly recurring marker of the simultaneity of mundane routines and tragic events in the world.


Alexander Wolframm (*2001, DE), 28.02.24, 02:22 min
Scarlett Johansson’s voice sums up a Wednesday in my life, reconstructed solely from data found on my phone.

Romeo de Gonzalo (*2004, ES), Desbordado, 03:00 min
Inspired by the Greek god Hermes, this work invites the spectator to critique today’s state of communication. Artificial and excessive, it confuses, exhausts, and accompanies us along the way. The roar of a waterfall and the static of a television without a signal, intertwine and blend with each step.


Alban Rosenberger (1994, DE) and Elena Mücke (1998, Hamburg, DE), Windplay, 30:50 min
A thunderstorm is a complex meteorological phenomenon associated with airborne electrical discharges (lightning and thunder). It is caused on the one hand by the rising of evaporated water due to intense heat, and on the other hand by the influence of Thor, Donar or Jupiter. The thunderstorm audible to humans is caused by its roaring and blowing and the energy generated by its thunderbolt.


Li Kirnbauer (*2001, DE), Baby, 03:35 min
The sound work shows two phenomena existing simultaneously: the laughter of a woman and the crying of a baby. In North mythology, Frigg is considered the goddess of married women, fertility, patron goddess of marriage and mother goddess. She represents pregnancy, birth, motherhood and domestic happiness. Accordingly she can be compared with the Roman Venus. The South Germanic version of her name is Frija, the eponym of Friday, the weekday.

Richard Laber (*1996, DE), I didn’t go out on friday but I’m still depressed on sunday, 07:40 min
In the book of Mark, the story is told of Christ’s crucifixion. On Friday he was executed, burdening himself with the sins the people cannot repent themselves.
In the book of Genesis, Adam and Eve are expelled from the garden of eden for committing the original sin, damning humanity to eternal labor for their own survival.
We are unable to renounce ourselves from this state. While the corporate world is drenched in licentious material abundance, ecstasy is no more a celebration but merely a necessity. And so the cycle lasts.


Patryk Kujawa (*1991, PL), 7 / 8, 78 seconds
There are 7 days of the week and 8 speakers. On the 8th day of the week, I count the organs of a body and fantasise about units of time.

Franz Eggerichs (*1994, DE), Voyage to Saturn, 01:30 min
When the famous NASA probes Voyager 1 and 2 passed by the planet Saturn, they were able to collect extensive data on the celestial body. Radio telescopes on Earth captured these signals. By sonifying this data,it was the first time it was possible to listen to the sound of Saturn.
The sound work showcases this cosmic communication process, revealing the unique sound of the planet that is the namesake of the day Saturday.

Isabell Alexandra Meldner (*1995, DE), I’m sorry, I’m late (I got lost along the way)., 09:30min
Measuring time in regular digits is a modern construct which deeply influences our understanding of time. Daily time shapes the flow of entire societies, especially since the invention of mechanical clocks. Back then, every place had set its own time – until all time was globalized, all clocks were tuned to Coordinated Universal Time and the world was divided into zones. Before that, a second was measured in relation to the mean solar day, the rotation of the earth. Every year, a second is added, because the earth doesn’t turn as regular as the atom splits.


Luca Diebold (*1997, DE), Es war schön, 02:38 min
The song is a critical and personal reflection on growing up in the bourgeoisie.

Ivy Tanit, (*1994, DE), I am time, 1:54 min
An inner mantra for the conflict between doing and resting.

Ludmilla Martin-Nafti (*2002, FR), the first, 03:08 min

Claus Lam (*1992, DE), Seek the Sun/SOHO/MDI, 06:29 min
Sonified data from the SOHO solar observatory and recordings from the Berliner Philharmoniker performing Arnold Schönberg’s Gurrelieder are contrasted to form an evolving soundscape. Schönbergs tonal choral work “Seht die Sonne, farbenfroh am Himmelssaum!” is circulating drone sounds representing the convection of plasma within the sun. The work explores themes of beauty, energy, and threat embodied by the sun and its cultural and technical representations.


Photos Frank Paul

Day In Day Out

Lina Backer *2000, DE • Haffsa Amina Codraro *1990, IT • Luca Diebold *1997, DE • Oleh Dmytruk/Iryna Fingerova *1989, UA/*1993, UA • Franz Eggerichs*1994, DE • Romeo de Gonzalo *2004, ES • Li Kirnbauer *2001, DE • Patryk Kujawa *1991, PL • Richard Laber *1996, DE • Claus Lam *1992, DE • Ludmilla Martin-Nafti *2002, FR • Isabell Alexandra Meldner *1995, DE • Alisa Omelianceva *1997, RU • Linh Phan *2003, FR • Sandro Prodanovic *1997, US • Alban Rosenberger/Elena Mücke *1994, DE/*1998, DE • Ivy Tanit *1994, DE • Alexander Wolframm *2001, DE and Joline Uvman *1992, SE

TONSPUR_passage | Micro Museum for Sound • MQ Wien

28 Oct 2024-22 Feb 2025 • daily 10 am-8 pm
preview Sun Oct 27 • 17:00

In cooperation with Dresden University of Fine Arts