Benoît Maubrey | STREAMERS – a COVID Sculpture

An interactive Speaker Sculpture in the shape of a Pestsäule
Commissioned by TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien

Karlsruhe as UNESCO City of Media Arts presents impressive installations in public spaces at the plenary assembly of the World Council of Churches in Karlsruhe.
From August 18 to September 18 2022, the City of Karlsruhe’s Department of Cultural Affairs of and the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe is presenting six media artworks in the city center, alongside the Schlosslichtspiele event.

The media installation »STREAMERS — A COVID Sculpture« by Benoit Maubrey is an interactive sound sculpture built with recycled loudspeakers, music chests, old tube radios, computer keyboards and circuit boards. The seven-meter-high sculpture can be seen and heard in Friedrichsplatz and can be accessed and activated via a live video stream, by a phone call or Twitter message from anywhere in the world. People directly at the square can play the artwork via Bluetooth or by plug’n play. Architecturally, the installation references Vienna’s 1679 Plague Column in the city center. Maubrey’s title refers to the current pandemic that has been ongoing since 2020 and is a contemporary approach to a social crisis. The work was commissioned and produced by TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien and was on view at Anitta-Müller-Cohen-Platz at Praterstern in Vienna from January to May 2022.

How to use STREAMERS
Call the sculpture: +49 173 521 0395 +49 173 521 3660
Send Tweets: #covidsculpture
Connect via Bluetooth: B3501 * Belkin HD * Belkin SongStream * BH100
Share on Instagram: @streamers_a_covid_sculpture
Connect with your own microphone
Listen to the white noise

Photo © Frank Paul